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About us

The Yamozha K'ue Society is a non-profit society incorporated under the Territorial Societies Act. It has a charitable status and it's membership is open to all residents of the Northwest Territories who are beneficiaries of the Dene or Metis with aboriginal rights claims and over the age of 18 years.


Both the Denendeh Elders Council and the Board of Directors have representation from the five regions within Denendeh (Akaitcho, Dehcho, Gwitch'in, Sahtu and Tlicho) . Their role is to ensure that the Institute meets its mandate of promoting and protecting all aspects of the Dene culture.


The Yamozha K'ue Society has been working to assist the Dene to maintain and strengthen their distinct culture since 1987. It has concentrated on coordinating research and educational activities that protect and promote the Dene culture, languages, spirituality, heritage, tradition and customs. It has also facilitated efforts by communities to preserve our culture.


The Society's work has followed the direction it received at the Lutsel K'e Cultural Conference in 1986, where delegates from throughout Denendeh decided that a cultural organization was necessary for the Dene.


People continue to believe that strengthening cultural identity is necessary for the young Dene to cope in the modern world and find their own path to meaningful, healthy lives.

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